
Monday 18 September 2017

Te Reo Assembly

Today we had Maori language week assembly. In assembly we learnt 3 new treo songs. the first song was Te Aroha and it means giving out love to everyone and the second song that we sang was Titelo mai nga iwi ( I don't know what it means). The last song that we sing was Matariki song and the Matariki song was created from one of the teacher that in our school. Most of the class's went up to the front to present what they have done for the Te Reo Maori.

What I like about assembly today was that everyone was showing self control. What I found hard today was when we have to learnt the new Maori songs. My next step is to make sure I also show self control to people around me and also trying my best to learn new things without giving up.
Image result for te reo maori


  1. Malo e Lelei,
    Hey Sene,Nice one,What I like about the assembly was
    singing the songs

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